Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More Base Building testimonials

This testimonial is pretty cool, but it's what I've been seeing across the board.  Not only with my clients but people just following the method.  That is, former 1 rep maxes turning into an every day max.

Check er out.....

Hi Paul

Im a 35 year old male 5"10 and around 205lbs I have been using your basebuilding method for the last 9 weeks or so phase 1 for the Squat and Bench press and Phase 2 for the deadlift (I pull over 500).
Over the past 9 weeks I have got faster on the working sets and decreased the time between sets also I have increased my weights on the assistance work.

My previous best 1 rep maxes are a 125K bench, 182.5K squat, and 240k for the deadlift.

Last week I worked up to my EDM's for 180 kilos on the squat 120 kilos for the bench press and 240 kilos for the deadlift, they were not easy but I definitely could have lifted more for every lift, to me this shows the basebuilding is working and has made me stronger.
This is the first time I have really used sub maximal style training and apart from making me stronger it is really nice not feeling totally destroyed after lifting and on the days after, what you have said about getting stronger without killing yourself is true :-)
Im now moving onto phase 2 for the squat and bench and am going to milk the BBM for as long as I can
Thanks for a great method and keep up the good work with the blog and your books.


If your training has been in the shitter for a while and you have no plan, and are frustrated I recommend you giving base building a try.


1 comment:

  1. Been a huge fan of your blog for quite some time now Paul, just downloaded the Basebuilding Manual and I'm excited to read it! I'm also one of the one rep max morons in the gym that converted to LRB style training haha. I'm glad that I'm abandoning the folly of doing one rep maxes day in and day out while I'm still in my early 20s. Keep up the great posts and God bless, much love from Canada.

