Friday, November 25, 2011

Training - Today - Misc

Block Deads/Shrugs -
135 x 30
225 x 10
315 x 10
405 x 10
500 x 5,5,5
585 x 5.5.5
635 x 5,5,5

Good Mornings -
225 x 5,5,5
275 x 5,5

Abduction Machine - 4 sets


  1. new into your blog paul and appreciate your life with the iron. simple question, if you're willing, natural or assisted athlete?

  2. I think once a guy even uses OTC pro-hormones he's no longer "natural". So yes I'd be "assisted".

  3. How much are you leaving in the tank during these workouts? 1-2 reps on your heavy sets?

    If you have time please post your post-thanksgiving massacre-diet.

  4. All of this stuff was easy, weight wise.

    My post-workout massacre was something like this.........

    20 ounces of turkey
    2 giant plates of sweet potato dressing with pecans, brown sugar, and marshmellos
    2 giant plates of cornbread dressing
    1 pumpkin pie with vanilla ice cream
    half of an entire lemon cake
    1 pint of ben and jerry's peanut butter cup
    1 plate (yes a plate) of neopolitan ice cream

  5. jesus christ....and i thought i ate alot!
