This time, it's IFBB Bikini Pro, Christie Marquez. Christie was awesome enough to do this interview with me, but she does lose major LRB points for not knowing who Slayer is. ;-)
Interview is below....
Christie tell me how you got started training?
I was initially approached by the owners of my gym (P-Fit, Venice, CA) to compete in a fitness competition. At the time I had no desire to compete and lacked the self confidence to believe this was something I could do. I responded to them saying there would be no way anyone could get me on stage in a bikini. Let the truth be told, that in actuality I was studying for an incredibly difficult professional exam (The series 7) and I didn’t have the time to concentrate on both things. However after I passed the series 7, my self confidence grew and I felt as though I could take on the challenge. That’s when I decided to start training for my first competition and 7 weeks later I competed in my first show. It’s been 3 years since then and I haven’t looked back since.
Tell me a little bit about your training philosophy? What do your usual training methods or routines look like?
I was trained by old school bodybuilders. Failure is the only option when I’m doing a set. My routines consist of 4-5 day splits and cardio 6 days a week.
Dieting generally seems to be the toughest part for bodybuilders, fitness/figure/bikini competitors. How long does your contest diet last, and what tricks or tips have you found that help you through the rough spots the most, i.e. when you want that piece of cheesecake more than you desire oxygen?
I made the decision to completely change my lifestyle and follow a year-round “diet”. The difference between show prep diet and my offseason routine is my calorie intake and macro break-up. My coach, Kim Oddo (Body By O), specifically designs my programs so that I don’t stray too far from my contest weight in the off season. This makes it easier to transition into show prep.
You know I’m in contest prep when I have a stick of sugarless gum in my mouth and a cup of green tea in my hand. It’s great to have friends who are like-minded when you’re in contest prep, because they know exactly what you are going through. We are able to lean on each other for support.
Outside of the dieting, what's the worst part about preparing for a show?
There is no worst part for me. I love what I do or I wouldn’t be doing it.
What's the best part about preparing for a show?
The best part is watching my body transform and knowing that I’m achieving all of this because of my hard work. This is a 24hr job; you have to make sure you are getting in all your meals, workouts and very important rest.
When is your next competition?
As of now, I have not yet decided. However I’m staying right on track so that if I want to jump into a show it would be a pretty simple transition.
Let's change gears....what is your passion outside of competing or training?
My passion is my family for sure. I’m Mexican-American and grew up around a huge family. When I’m not competing I spend most of my free time with them.
Tell me your top 5 favorite movies?
The Lost Boys
Flash Dance
Shawshank Redemption
The Pursuit of Happiness
The Hangover
What are your 5 biggest pet peeves?
People who feel they are entitled
Sneezing/Coughing without covering your mouth
Bad drivers
Talking on cell phone while at the gym
Negative people
List your top 3 Slayer albums?
Who? Lol

How much emphasis do you place on the judges' opinions of your physique and your future training regimen?
A whole lot! The judges are up there for a reason and if you don’t take their critiques seriously, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Believe it or not they are there to help you succeed.
At what moment does all of
the training, sacrifice, dieting, and expense seem worth it to you? Describe
the moment and why it is so significant to you.
See I guess that’s what’s different about me; the significance started from day one of training and never went away. I have the fighter mentality and will not let anything get me down for too long. Surrounding myself with positive people and staying away from the negative allows me to be this way.
Twitter @IFBBPROChristie and Instagram @snapchoo
Awesome Interview as always, but her pics didnt upload.